Sunday, February 17, 2013

Life Through Instagrams

 Isn't that such a beautiful sunset? It's things like that,
that remind me of God's love for me.
 These two girls are probably some of my most favorite 
people ever. It's always a good time when we get together. 
 They set up this ball pit in the middle of the Rotunda
and I so badly wanted to play in it. That kid there
in the picture was a cutie. While my Mom and I were
sitting and talking to some people he came skipping up
and handed us a tattoo. He was so adorable.
 The lighting in the Capitol is horrible, but the light fixtures
sure are pretty. It's a beautiful building and I love getting to
work in it everyday.
 The smog in this picture is nasty. But driving home from
work is one of my favorite parts of the day, because
I get to talk my Mom's ear off about all of the things
that made me twitter-patted throughout the day. I'm
not so sure how much she enjoys it, but I do and
that's all that matters, right?!
 I was on edge all day this day. Why? Because for one
there  was a killer at large. And two there was a huge
crowd in the Rotunda. Big crowds like this one make me
nervous. You can blame my paranoia for that. 
 Every time, during the day, when my Mom and I are
working and we end up on one of these benches I just
want to lay down, but can't because I have to act all
professional and all that lame stuff. But we had to go up
on Saturday for Susie's Valentine Dance group and there
was no one around. So I seized the opportunity to lay on
the bench. It was really comfortable.
Side note: these benches are infamous for being really
uncomfortable seeing as the back of it is like five inches
tall, however I know how to sit on it just right to make it
really comfy. So if you're ever up at the Capitol and want
to sit on the bench come find me and I'll show you how to
make your sitting experience as comfortable as possible.
It's hard to tell in the picture, but these light bulbs are really
cool looking. I'll have to get a better picture sometime.

I've really been enjoying life lately. I'm glad with where I'm at and where I'm heading. I've been really blessed with all of the experiences I've been able to have. I thank my Heavenly Father every night for this Internship. It's blessed me in so many ways. I've been able to meet so many new people and make great new friends. I've been able to mature and grow up A LOT. I've been able to realize what I want in life and it's made me realize that I have to work for it. It's taught me patience. I don't have much patience but in the past 3 weeks I've realized that it's essential to a happy life. So now I just have to be patient as my life plays out. I know what I want now, and I'm excited for it to come, but until it does I'll be patient and continue to work for it.  I'm going to be sad when it ends, but it's given me so much to look forward to. 

Friday, February 1, 2013

That About Sums It Up

This last week was a CRAZY one. I am pleased to announce I have survived week 1 of the Legislative Session. But in all honestly I have loved every second of it; the good, bad and the ugly. I'm just afraid that I'm going to come out of this internship with some greys in my luscious locks because of how stressful it can be. But really I love it. Now onto some highlights of Legislative Session Week 1.

  • I've got to say the best part about this internship is all the boys! The Capital is crawling with attractive, determined, MATURE, guys. That is just my cup of tea. There is nothing I like more than maturity. 
  • I've had to alternate wearing flats and heels (oh yeah, and I can wear heels because guys are actually taller than me up there) everyday for the past week. This job entails A LOT of walking around. A LOT is an understatement. We are walking and standing non stop. And when I wear flat shoes the heels of my feet hurt and when I wear heels the balls of my feet hurt. So I just alternate between the two so that the heels and balls of my feet can get a break every once in a while. 
  • I've learned that homeless people can hang out at the capitol all day if they want. There's this one that has been there a lot this last week and, I am sorry, but he really could use a shower. He smells horrible. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure if he had access to a shower everyday he would use it, but boy it's awful. My mom and I almost got stuck in an elevator with him. I don't know if I would have survived. 
  • I got to meet the Governor. I thought it would be a big deal to meet him, but it really wasn't. I was more excited to meet Trooper Aaron Beesley's family. I also had to stay and listen to the State of the State Address. ZZzz. Boring! 
  • I sat through my first ever budget meeting and wanted to rip my brains out. That was even more boring than the State of the State. And you want to know what's worse? There's more budget meetings to come! That is the one part about the job that I could live without.
  • I've developed a hate for the media. Met some slime bags associated with them and felt like I needed to take a shower after I met them. The media has a domination that I never really realized until this week and it angers me. So I will say nothing more on the matter or else I'd end up ranting for the rest of this post. 
  • This last week I've been gossiped about. It's really funny, if you knew the whole story.
  • I age my mom. People come up to us and assume I am in my late twenties (And I really wish I was). I must look real old and mature for my age because people can't believe that my mom is old enough to be my mother. I should be offended that people think I'm older than I am but I'm hoping it works for my advantage. 
Anyways this week has been a fun one and I'm excited for the weeks ahead. This internship is great for me. It's really helped me in thinking about what career field I want to go into. Watch out political world, I'm coming for you.