Wednesday, November 28, 2012

It's Time

I love this song.

Time goes by a lot faster the older you get. At least for me. It seems like this semester just started two weeks ago and now there's only a week and a half left before finals! What the heck!? I wish it would have gone slower. I like this point I'm at in life. I feel like it's ending for some reason. It really isn't. I probably just feel this way because instead of taking actual classes next semester I'm doing an internship. So instead of hanging around cool, hip college students I get to hang around old, boring, old people. But it will be good and I'm excited for it non the less.

Today I finished my Final paper for English. It is such a relief to get such a big thing on your to-do list done. Now I just need to play catch up in my online class. (two things I learned this semester: never take an online class because I'm such a bad procrastinator and don't take classes at seven in the morning. It's so not worth it.)

 We set up all of our Christmas decorations. I love it when it gets dark and we turn on all the Christmas lights. It just makes me so happy! I love this time of year because of many reasons. 1. It's the time we celebrate Christ's birth. 2. Christmas decorations. 3. Christmas music. 4. Snow. 5. Baking goodies.
 Do you see that? That is all my finger. I went to bed with a band aide on my finger because a ferocious feline scratched me. And when I took it off in the morning by finger looked like I held it in water all night long. I was afraid it would never get better, but it did. But it looks nasty huh?
 This here is the aforesaid ferocious feline. I am not a cat person, with the exception to this here kitty cat. His name is General Giggles (He is my bro and sis-in-laws cat. They named him) I like to call him GG for short. This is his most favorite position to sit in. Ha. Just joking. He was just doing what cats do and then paused for a moment like that so I took a picture. I just wish I were that flexible. We watched him while Jeff and Ariel were out of town for Thanksgiving. And right now I don't have any nieces or nephews to hold and cuddle so to make up for that I wrapped GG up in a blanket and pretended he was a baby. It's great. He'll make due until Russell and Leighann's baby comes.
My birthday was last week. And do you want to know what I did during the day? I hung out with my mother and father at their place of employment. It was so fun. At first I sat in my Mom's cubicle and watched her work on her computer. Then I upgraded and went to my dad's office and watched him talk to the media. Then my dad and I went around doing parkour around the office. It was a jolly good time. It was great to because, you see my Mom and Dad are both government employees so where they work, everyone there gets paid by through taxes and since it was my birthday I felt that it was only fair that they all give me some money since some of it comes from my taxes (although now that I think about it I haven't actually paid taxes yet, but I will this year so it still counts) anyway I just went around telling them what I just explained and they had no problem giving me their money. 

Yeah. I wish. But I did sing a song about it in the parking lot. My mother was mortified. I was just having a jolly good time. 

So as some of you all know I am probably the most paranoid person who ever walked the earth. You see when I call my mom or dad and they don't answer, after multiple attempts, I assume that they have crashed and are dead or have been abducted or something along those lines. But now we all got his app called Life 360 that tracks where you are through your cell phone GPS. So now I know exactly where they are and I don't have to worry. It's the greatest thing ever. 

Well I think I've rambled enough. Hope you all are having a wonderful day and life. 

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