Today all my wildest dreams came true. After much anticipation I finally saw The Avengers. Since I saw the trailer for it I could not wait to see it, only I hadn't seen any of the movies that lead up to it. I wanted to see all of those wonderful movies before I watched The Avengers.
So every time I was at a Redbox I would look to see if they had one of the movies. Captain America was the first one they actually had. We watched that and then I went out on the hunt for Thor. Now that is quite the story.
You see I had to do some shopping at Macey's so I planned on checking the Redbox there. I did. They didn't have it. I had to stay in that general area though because I would have to pick up Susie soon, so I swung by the 7-11 on University and checked that Redbox. No luck. I still had time to blow until I had to pick up Susie and I had things that would go bad in a hot car so I called Jeff and asked if I could hang out at his place for awhile since it was just down the street.
So I went over there put my things in his fridge then walked into the living room and what was there sitting on the couch? Thor! I couldn't believe it. So I returned it for them then got it for myself. Then the Redbox NEVER seemed to have Iron Man (1 or 2) and when they did it was always Blue-Ray and we don't have a Blue-Ray player.
Eventually we got those and watched it. The Hulk we just had to buy cause nowhere seemed to have it. Now after all my determination I have seen all of those movies and The Avengers. Oh that glorious movie! Today has just been the most marvelous day. On top of all my wildest dreams coming true I had the day off! The one thing better than making money is having the day off. Don't get me wrong, I love my job it's just nice to have a lazy day.
Today I have been overly friendly and it has been very embarrassing. Let me explain. Well to start off let me say that riding in the back of a police car gets you tons of attention. Everyone stares. Why? Probably cause they think you are some felon being arrested or something. One time these people would not stop staring at Susie and I when we were in the back of my Dad's car so we milked it and we milked it good. We started acted like what we assumed someone being arrested would act like. It was fun.
Anyways today I was stuck in the back of my Dad's car again. We were turning onto Geneva and I thought I saw my Uncle Jim in a car. So I started to wave. Only it wasn't him. It was some old man. And he probably thought I was some psycho person who was being brought to the mental hospital. And then my Mom and I were driving down 820 and we thought we saw Jeff driving the other way. So we waved. It wasn't him. Moral of the story, I need to not wave at people anymore.
Anyways I think I've rambled enough. I want to go look at the pretty blue sky. Oh wait, that's not possible. Stupid Dump Fire.
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