I've been sitting at home doing absolutely nothing productive and it's giving me one of those lazy day headaches (do you ever get those? I usually get these weird headaches when I have a day that I waste by doing nothing productive or eating too much sugar). Anyways to prevent one of these from coming on I'm blogging. Good remedy.
Today I took a test for my PoliSci class, and for the past to tests I haven't done so hot, but as I was taking this one I knew almost everything. And I actually got a decent score that I can be proud of! Yay! Took me long enough into the semester, but late is better than never right?
So I bought this screen protector for my phone but for some reason I'm terrified to put it on. Weird, I know.
I'm getting pretty stressed seeing as there are roughly two and a half weeks left in the semester! Agh! I'm freaking out because being the great procrastinator that I am, I put off my online class. So over the break next week I'll be reading my Health textbook with all my heart. But I'm glad the semesters almost over. I need a break from getting up at 5 in the a.m. every day.
Wanna hear a good song? Well listen to this. It is great and fills me with thanks for our Savior. I hope all of you out there realize how great of a blessing the Atonement really is and I hope you realize how much Christ has really done for us. If you want to really understand all aspects of the Atonement go here and sign up to take Repentance and Forgiveness with Brother Durfey. You will not regret it, I PROMISE!!
Next week I'll be turning 19. I don't want to ever be older than 19. So for the next year I'll be working on how to freeze my ageing. Then I'll be 19 forever and I won't get old.
I feel such happiness inside me right now and I don't know why. I just feel so thankful for my life. Every aspect of it, good and bad. This past little while I've realized how much I have and how much the Lord's hand is in my life. Heavenly Father knows me better than I know myself and so everyday I am so thankful for his hand and guidance in my life. With it I know my life will work out in a more perfect way than I could have ever imagined.
My youngest sister, Emma has been playing out in the snow a lot with her friends lately. And she doesn't have her own pair of snow boots. So what does she use instead? Jeff's old pair of snow boots that are too big for even my feet. I tried to take a picture today, because she looks like a clown, but she realized I was just trying to take a picture to tease her so she ran and hid. What a smart girl.
Last night I had the nuttiest dream. It was so far from reality.
I'm interning for my Mom come January, and I'm so pumped. I told her that I'm going to do such a great job that they'll fire her and hire me. She argued that she has more experience. I then argued back that she's closer to death than I am. Then Susie countered that I could die any minute. I told her she'd better knock on wood. She didn't. So if I die unexpectedly you know why.
On that note, I'm done for now. I doubt anyone made it all the way through this post, cause it's so long. But if you did props to you. You're the BEST!
I read the whole thing! Good job Rachel!