Whats up with Puppy Love? Why Puppy love. What do puppies have in their lovin that we don't? Did that Donny boy start the whole thing? Cause really it makes no sense and if it does feel free to explain.
I've decided that who ever is in charge of deciding which month falls into what season needs to change it all. I think winter should go from March to May then spring from June to August and then summer from September to November then fall from December to February. It would make a lot more sense. Because last time I checked during spring it's supposed to start warming up and stop all the snowing and freezing temperatures. Obviously Mother Nature doesn't like the way seasons are set up right now so change it for goodness sakes.
Yesterday I had and apiphany (if that is spelled wrong don't make fun of me because chances are it is). It was that this summer is the last summer of my childhood. Next summer I will be 18 and therefore not a child anymore. So I thought of a bucket list of things I need to do while I am still a child.
1. Break a bone (if you're an adult and you break something you look like an idiot so I should do it while I'm still a child)
2. Catch one of those fish in that pond at Nielson's Grove with my bare hands (it's always been a dream of mine)
3. Try to cook an egg on a rock (Everyone will have to do this someday seeing as all these natural disasters are happening. The only way we'll have of cooking is rocks, so I got to get my practice in)
4. Shave my fat hairy dog (he will probably loose 10 lbs. if I do it)
5. Make a swimming pool out of a tarp (i've tried it before but it didn't quite work but now I'm going to make it work if it's the last thing I do)
Now I'm angry. Me and Susie applied for two different jobs at Seven Peaks. Me the accomplished 17 year old who applied for the job that everyone gets didn't get the job. Susie the airhead blondy turd wad who applied for the job that is harder to get did! Just barely! But no fear I'll go get a job that apply for a job that pays more than minimum wage! Then I'll show her! I'm not really angry just envious. But no fear no fear. I'll move on.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"While we honor all our mothers with words of love and praise, while we tell about their goodness and their kind and loving ways we should also think of Grandma. She's a mother, too, you see for she mothered my dear mother as my mother mothers me"
Thursday, April 7, 2011
This past week on Tuesday my Grandma Manookin passed away. It's made this week a tough one but at the same time its been kind of nice. We've spent a lot of time with family just talking and remembering. I've really enjoyed all the family time. It's also made me really thankful for this gospel. If it weren't for this gospel I'd think that I'd never see my grandma again but instead I know she's up in heaven with my Grandma Sue and their both watching over us. My Grandma was such a sweet lady. I don't think I've met anyone sweeter than her. In all my memory I can't remember her complaining or saying something bad about anything or anybody. I'm going to miss her a lot but I know she's in a much better place working hard.
Love You Grandma!
Love You Grandma!
Monday, April 4, 2011
Utah people working together
I used to think that people were just being dramatic when they'd complain about how bipolar Utah weather can be. After this weekend I totally understand. On Saturday it got up to 78 degrees. Then that night there was a snow storm! I just don't understand! On Saturday I saw Beastly. It was a pretty good movie. I liked it because Beauty and the Beast is my favorite Disney Princess movie and this was just a modern real life version of it. Sorry there are still no pictures. Pictures are the only fun part of blogs. I just can't seem to find any interesting ones. But no need to worry I will find some eventually. Until then live long and prosper lots.
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