Tuesday, October 11, 2011
New York!!
Thanks to Jeff and Ariel my family and myself got to go to New York. J & A got married in the Palmyra Temple on September 29. So that week we headed out there and saw all the sights. It was a really exciting trip for many reasons. For one it was most of us kids first flight. I must say I was terrified. I wasn't scared of being up in the air and crashing or anything I was just scared that I would get way claustrophobic. Well I got on the plane and it wasn't bad at all. So my worst fear ever turned into something I really love to do. How grand! This trip was also one of the very first REAL vacations my family has ever taken. Yes we are very deprived.
So we took a red eye flight out on Sunday night. We got there early Monday morning. When we flew in it was really foggy and I was excited because I thought it would be nice and cool. Once we walked outside it most definitely was not cool. It was hot, humid and it smelled very strongly of cigarette smoke. It was horrible. I hate humidity. I didn't even think that New York would be humid but clearly I was wrong. We flew into JFK and our hotel was about five minutes away in Queens. Queens is a lovely place. So lovely that I will never live there. Having lived in Utah all my life I'm not used to places like Queens at all so it was quite a wake up call. Our hotel was very intimidating from the outside. But luckily the inside wasn't so bad.
Having had no sleep that night we took an hour nap then headed into the Big Apple. We took our first ever taxi ride which really isn't that cool at all. The taxi man turned on the radio and a horrible song that swore horrible words every other word was on. But the man wasn't that bad just his choice in music. He then took us to the subway station. I was way excited to ride the subway. Why? Because of Madigascgar. It just seemed like such an adventure on that movie. Well it's not that way. At least in Queens it's not. It is so muggy down there and (suprisingly) smells of cigarette smoke. Then once we got on the subway it was so hot. And we had to stand. And I was scared of everyone around me. (Not very shocking if you know me).
Well we finally made it to NYC and we walked out anticipating this wonderful place that we've always dreamed of seeing but we got off the subway and we all felt like puking. And it was so hot. So we got some Diet Cokes to get rid of our headaches and to calm our troubled stomachs. We also got a pretzel from a street vendor to help with our wanting to vomit. But we still walked around and saw all the sights. We walked down some street that the Trump Tower is on that led us to Central Park. Central Park is huge and so cool. After there we headed to The Ed Sullivan Theater (naturally) we got in trouble for trying to take pictures of the front lobby of the theater. Cause apparently it's super secret in there!? After there we headed toward Time Square and on the way we saw Carnigie Hall. Then we made it to Time Square. I thought it was so fun there. There was a band playing this amazing music that just made you want to dance and everywhere you look there is something to see. It was so cool.
Wow this is turning into a play-by-play. Oh well. I'll find it fascinating in the future. After time square we dreaded the subway again to get to lower Manhattan. This time it wasn't that bad because we had seats and it was air conditioned. When we got to lower Manhattan we had tickets to see the 9/11 memorial. We got there a little early so we went to a Cathedral across the street that survived the 9/11 attacks and it was SOOO close. It was a cool place because it was surrounded by all these ancient head stones. Also I thought it was cool because on the 9/11 anniversary this year I watched this thing that I believe was called 9/11: Ten Years Later and it talked about how one of the very first firefighters to die that was also like a preacher for the fire department was carried over there and laid under a statue. So I don't know why but I thought it was cool to be there. Then we got to actually see the memorial which was so cool. Definitely and experience I will never forget.
After the memorial we took the Staten Island Ferry to see the lovely Statue of Liberty. Then we saw Wall Street and had to get some authentic New York pizza which was delicious. After that we were exhausted and we didn't want to be around when it got dark because of all the CSI shows we've seen. So we hustled to the blasted subway again and headed back to lovely Queens. It was scary trying to get on the subway this time because all us kids got through but for some reason the metro card wasn't working for our parents so we were seperated for a while. But needless to say we got back and we didn't get lost. But once in queens we had to wait for our taxi and it was so scary being out and about in Queens at night. I thought I would surly die. Thankfully none of us did.
The next day Jeff, Russell and Leigh Ann flew in and we drove in the amazing 12 seater van to Palmyra. The drive was like 5 stinking hours long. But we made it. Palmyra was my favorite. It is so incredibly beautiful there. It's just beautiful country surrounded by trees. (I couldn't believe how many trees there are in New York) We got there late so we didn't get to see any of the church history sights. So we checked into our awesome hotel. I really loved that hotel. The next morning we went to the Sacred Grove. That place was so amazing. I could have just sat in there all day everyday. I wish I lived closer so I could go more often. We also checked out the Smith Family farm. The next day was Jeff and Ariel's wedding which was so neat. The Palmyra temple was so beautiful. After the festivities we went to the Sacred Grove again, then the Hill Cumorah, and Peter Whitmere's Farm. That night we went to Albany because the reception was the next night. On Saturday we headed back to JFK so we could fly home.
The trip was so amazing and fun and I want to go back any chance I can. I have pictures but this post is already way to long because I had to give every little detail so I'll have to do pictures on another post.
So we took a red eye flight out on Sunday night. We got there early Monday morning. When we flew in it was really foggy and I was excited because I thought it would be nice and cool. Once we walked outside it most definitely was not cool. It was hot, humid and it smelled very strongly of cigarette smoke. It was horrible. I hate humidity. I didn't even think that New York would be humid but clearly I was wrong. We flew into JFK and our hotel was about five minutes away in Queens. Queens is a lovely place. So lovely that I will never live there. Having lived in Utah all my life I'm not used to places like Queens at all so it was quite a wake up call. Our hotel was very intimidating from the outside. But luckily the inside wasn't so bad.
Having had no sleep that night we took an hour nap then headed into the Big Apple. We took our first ever taxi ride which really isn't that cool at all. The taxi man turned on the radio and a horrible song that swore horrible words every other word was on. But the man wasn't that bad just his choice in music. He then took us to the subway station. I was way excited to ride the subway. Why? Because of Madigascgar. It just seemed like such an adventure on that movie. Well it's not that way. At least in Queens it's not. It is so muggy down there and (suprisingly) smells of cigarette smoke. Then once we got on the subway it was so hot. And we had to stand. And I was scared of everyone around me. (Not very shocking if you know me).
Well we finally made it to NYC and we walked out anticipating this wonderful place that we've always dreamed of seeing but we got off the subway and we all felt like puking. And it was so hot. So we got some Diet Cokes to get rid of our headaches and to calm our troubled stomachs. We also got a pretzel from a street vendor to help with our wanting to vomit. But we still walked around and saw all the sights. We walked down some street that the Trump Tower is on that led us to Central Park. Central Park is huge and so cool. After there we headed to The Ed Sullivan Theater (naturally) we got in trouble for trying to take pictures of the front lobby of the theater. Cause apparently it's super secret in there!? After there we headed toward Time Square and on the way we saw Carnigie Hall. Then we made it to Time Square. I thought it was so fun there. There was a band playing this amazing music that just made you want to dance and everywhere you look there is something to see. It was so cool.
Wow this is turning into a play-by-play. Oh well. I'll find it fascinating in the future. After time square we dreaded the subway again to get to lower Manhattan. This time it wasn't that bad because we had seats and it was air conditioned. When we got to lower Manhattan we had tickets to see the 9/11 memorial. We got there a little early so we went to a Cathedral across the street that survived the 9/11 attacks and it was SOOO close. It was a cool place because it was surrounded by all these ancient head stones. Also I thought it was cool because on the 9/11 anniversary this year I watched this thing that I believe was called 9/11: Ten Years Later and it talked about how one of the very first firefighters to die that was also like a preacher for the fire department was carried over there and laid under a statue. So I don't know why but I thought it was cool to be there. Then we got to actually see the memorial which was so cool. Definitely and experience I will never forget.
After the memorial we took the Staten Island Ferry to see the lovely Statue of Liberty. Then we saw Wall Street and had to get some authentic New York pizza which was delicious. After that we were exhausted and we didn't want to be around when it got dark because of all the CSI shows we've seen. So we hustled to the blasted subway again and headed back to lovely Queens. It was scary trying to get on the subway this time because all us kids got through but for some reason the metro card wasn't working for our parents so we were seperated for a while. But needless to say we got back and we didn't get lost. But once in queens we had to wait for our taxi and it was so scary being out and about in Queens at night. I thought I would surly die. Thankfully none of us did.
The next day Jeff, Russell and Leigh Ann flew in and we drove in the amazing 12 seater van to Palmyra. The drive was like 5 stinking hours long. But we made it. Palmyra was my favorite. It is so incredibly beautiful there. It's just beautiful country surrounded by trees. (I couldn't believe how many trees there are in New York) We got there late so we didn't get to see any of the church history sights. So we checked into our awesome hotel. I really loved that hotel. The next morning we went to the Sacred Grove. That place was so amazing. I could have just sat in there all day everyday. I wish I lived closer so I could go more often. We also checked out the Smith Family farm. The next day was Jeff and Ariel's wedding which was so neat. The Palmyra temple was so beautiful. After the festivities we went to the Sacred Grove again, then the Hill Cumorah, and Peter Whitmere's Farm. That night we went to Albany because the reception was the next night. On Saturday we headed back to JFK so we could fly home.
The trip was so amazing and fun and I want to go back any chance I can. I have pictures but this post is already way to long because I had to give every little detail so I'll have to do pictures on another post.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Ten years ago today I didn't understand what was going on. I remember we were all getting ready for school when someone called us and told us to turn on the news. I really had no idea what was going on. When I went to school I only knew that some tower had been hit by an airplane. I didn't know it was intentional or that while I was at school more things were happening. I remember at school this kid I was sitting by told me that the school was going to be bombed by some bad people. That got me scared for the rest of the day but it obviously never happened. It wasn't until about four years after it happened that I realized the magnitude of 9/11. I realized that it was a big deal and we recognized it every year and that it was a terror attack but I didn't realize how many lives were lost or how it changed our nation. I didn't even know until a couple years after that the Pentagon had also been hit or about flight 93.
Today I understand everything. I understand that thousands of lives were lost. I understand that because of it many people in America began to live in fear. I understand that many heroes arose that day. I understand that America has changed greatly since that day. I understand most everything about it except for one thing. I don't understand how those people did what they did. They were willing to sacrifice themselves to kill thousands. It doesn't make any sense to me why anyone would do anything like that. For whatever reason, they did it and if I were them I would be scared to meet my maker.
Out of all the sorrow and fear of that day arose hope and strength. I'm most proud to be an American. I'm so thankful for the country I live in and for those who protect it.
Today I understand everything. I understand that thousands of lives were lost. I understand that because of it many people in America began to live in fear. I understand that many heroes arose that day. I understand that America has changed greatly since that day. I understand most everything about it except for one thing. I don't understand how those people did what they did. They were willing to sacrifice themselves to kill thousands. It doesn't make any sense to me why anyone would do anything like that. For whatever reason, they did it and if I were them I would be scared to meet my maker.
Out of all the sorrow and fear of that day arose hope and strength. I'm most proud to be an American. I'm so thankful for the country I live in and for those who protect it.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Life As I Knew It
It has come time again for this blog to be posted on. But what to post about? How bout the current happenings in this here girl's life. Well some beans have been spilt, skin has been burned, mobs have been flashed, proposals have been given, all kinds of things have been going on.
A little while ago, I think about a week and a half ago, my stake had Youth Conference. It was loads of fun. Although the first day I acquired the worst sunburn I'd ever had in my life so after that I was very ornery. I also think I was very sun sick but non the less I still managed to have a good time.
Jeff is now engaged to Ariel! I'm not going to lie.. At the rate Jeff was going I didn't think he'd ever get married. Ha! Just kidding. It just didn't happen soon enough because as my family knows I just really want to be an aunt right now. And now with two brothers getting married hopefully that will happen in a timely manner. My brother says I sound crazy when I talk about the subject so if I come across that way I apologize! I just really want to be an aunt. You can't really blame me can you?
Well I can't think of anything else to write about so I'll just end here. I know! Lamest post ever but hey. It passed some time.
A little while ago, I think about a week and a half ago, my stake had Youth Conference. It was loads of fun. Although the first day I acquired the worst sunburn I'd ever had in my life so after that I was very ornery. I also think I was very sun sick but non the less I still managed to have a good time.
Jeff is now engaged to Ariel! I'm not going to lie.. At the rate Jeff was going I didn't think he'd ever get married. Ha! Just kidding. It just didn't happen soon enough because as my family knows I just really want to be an aunt right now. And now with two brothers getting married hopefully that will happen in a timely manner. My brother says I sound crazy when I talk about the subject so if I come across that way I apologize! I just really want to be an aunt. You can't really blame me can you?
Well I can't think of anything else to write about so I'll just end here. I know! Lamest post ever but hey. It passed some time.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
The Greatest Holiday on the Face of the Earth
My most favorite holiday of all times is the 4th of July! Why? It all started on Saturday. Oh wait before I start. Russell and Leigh Ann are engaged which is pretty darn exciting because this means that there will be a wedding in the near future and I love weddings and I'm hopefully getting closer to my life long dream of being an aunt. Ok so on Saturday I went with Leigh Ann dress shopping and it was a lot of fun. Then that night was the Stadium of Fire. I live and breath for the Stadium of Fire. I love it so much. This year Brad Paisley was the headliner with David Archuleta opening. This year the actual Stadium of Fire was pretty lame compared to years past but the shows that David and Brad put on were AWESOME! I love David Archuleta's voice. It is like pure gold. I think he sounds better live than on his CD's. I like Brad Paisley but I don't know hardly any of his music so it wasn't as exciting as David's show for me. Before the Stadium of fire even started I walked around and totally saw David Archuleta behind a fence and I stared for a while but the security guard was giving me a dirty look so I had to leave. I don't know why he was looking at me that way. I mean do I look like a threat?
On Sunday we had to take many drastic measures to ensure we got the best spot on the parade route. We usually sit right in front of Provo High. This area is pretty popular so it was tricky getting a spot but witht the help of Leigh Ann we were able to score an awesome spot. Right after church I headed over to bring dinner to the poor souls (Leigh Ann, Jeff and Ariel) who had already been there for a while. Saving the spot for the parade is the best part of the parade. I'm not going to lie, the parade is super lame. The only fun is sleeping out. Only this year I almost chickened out and didn't sleep out. Why? Because of this really, really, REALLY creepy guy that walked by every five minutes and made up any and every excuse to stop in front of where we were sitting. Other than that creeper scaring the crap out of me everytime I saw him it was a lot of fun just sitting in front of University Avenue. We played tons of games and watched people get pulled over and listened to they guy sitting next to us tell us why his other hampster was grounded so he couldn't come to the parade route. That guy cracked us up quite a bit when ever he bent over. He really needed to pull his pants up.
After the parade we all came home and slept because there was no way we could've gotten any sleep the night before. Once we all forced our eyes to stay open we had an Awesome BBQ. We usually go with our extended family for a BBQ on the 4th but our little family is extending so we had one by ourselves and it was a lot of fun. After we ate we all slept some more then did some sweet fireworks.
I wish I had some pictures of the weekends festivities but I don't. Maybe one day I'll remember to bring a camera to something.
On Sunday we had to take many drastic measures to ensure we got the best spot on the parade route. We usually sit right in front of Provo High. This area is pretty popular so it was tricky getting a spot but witht the help of Leigh Ann we were able to score an awesome spot. Right after church I headed over to bring dinner to the poor souls (Leigh Ann, Jeff and Ariel) who had already been there for a while. Saving the spot for the parade is the best part of the parade. I'm not going to lie, the parade is super lame. The only fun is sleeping out. Only this year I almost chickened out and didn't sleep out. Why? Because of this really, really, REALLY creepy guy that walked by every five minutes and made up any and every excuse to stop in front of where we were sitting. Other than that creeper scaring the crap out of me everytime I saw him it was a lot of fun just sitting in front of University Avenue. We played tons of games and watched people get pulled over and listened to they guy sitting next to us tell us why his other hampster was grounded so he couldn't come to the parade route. That guy cracked us up quite a bit when ever he bent over. He really needed to pull his pants up.
After the parade we all came home and slept because there was no way we could've gotten any sleep the night before. Once we all forced our eyes to stay open we had an Awesome BBQ. We usually go with our extended family for a BBQ on the 4th but our little family is extending so we had one by ourselves and it was a lot of fun. After we ate we all slept some more then did some sweet fireworks.
I wish I had some pictures of the weekends festivities but I don't. Maybe one day I'll remember to bring a camera to something.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Long Live
Summer has come. It is wondrous and I love it. So far my summer has consisted of sitting at home while everyone else is gone. While my mother and father are at work someone needs to stay home so everything doesn't go wrong. So pretty much all summer I've been a home maker. I've baked a lot. Especially bread! Bread is my new favorite thing to make. I would hang out cause I can but I guess I don't have any friends anymore. I've started this whole "I'm always the one who asks/ gets things going when it comes to hanging out" so I just decided I'd see who would ask me instead. You know to see who my real friends are. Yes. I know that is very mature. But hey it makes things more fun believe it or not. Anyways I've gotten a lot of practice to become a mom so far this summer.
I kept up my tradition of getting a new swimsuit each summer. I love swimsuits so I've started collecting them. Lime Ricki has the GREATEST swimsuits. That's where I get all mine from. Now I just need to use it. We've been busy this last week finally finishing our grass in the back. I know it's hard to believe but we finally have our backyard completely grassed. I look back there and I say to myself "This can't be my backyard" but it is. I can't wait until we can actually go out on it. Today we went and got a gym membership because their doing this cool cheap no contract deal. So maybe I'll actually get in shape and once I'm in shape I can finally pursue my dream of becoming a model. Hahaha! Yeah that made me laugh too.
I'm still trying to get a job but I'm not trying very hard. Maybe if I try harder I'll actually get a job. Now there's a thought! My Grandma informed me that some sandwich shop on center street is hiring so I'm gonna have to go check that out. Well I don't have much more to say and plus I have to go participate in a flash mob so this post is finished.
I kept up my tradition of getting a new swimsuit each summer. I love swimsuits so I've started collecting them. Lime Ricki has the GREATEST swimsuits. That's where I get all mine from. Now I just need to use it. We've been busy this last week finally finishing our grass in the back. I know it's hard to believe but we finally have our backyard completely grassed. I look back there and I say to myself "This can't be my backyard" but it is. I can't wait until we can actually go out on it. Today we went and got a gym membership because their doing this cool cheap no contract deal. So maybe I'll actually get in shape and once I'm in shape I can finally pursue my dream of becoming a model. Hahaha! Yeah that made me laugh too.
I'm still trying to get a job but I'm not trying very hard. Maybe if I try harder I'll actually get a job. Now there's a thought! My Grandma informed me that some sandwich shop on center street is hiring so I'm gonna have to go check that out. Well I don't have much more to say and plus I have to go participate in a flash mob so this post is finished.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Right now I'm being forced to watch a scary movie. I most definitley do not want to watch it so to get out of it I got on my friends computer and I'm updating my blog! How wondrous! So whats some recent happenings? Well for starters school is out. It's the first tuesday of summer and I was pretty sure today was a saturday. I'm not sure how I'm going to function. I really need a job but I really doubt that's going to happen but I still have hope it will. What I really want to do this summer is start a flash mob. It recently has become a life long dream of mine. I'll have to organize one or better yet if you know of one that will be happening soon make sure you let me know. I'm really scared. I'm not even watching this movie and I'm creeped out. My legs are really itchy right now too. It's very quite irritating.
I'm anticipating a flood any day now. Anyone who says the Provo River will not flood this year is wrong. Well everyone here is getting irritated with me so I think I'm going to blow this popsicle stand and go home where people may enjoy my presence. But tonight when everyone is asleep their going to wish that I would keep distracting them from the movie because they will be having nightmares about it.
Well in case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight.
I'm anticipating a flood any day now. Anyone who says the Provo River will not flood this year is wrong. Well everyone here is getting irritated with me so I think I'm going to blow this popsicle stand and go home where people may enjoy my presence. But tonight when everyone is asleep their going to wish that I would keep distracting them from the movie because they will be having nightmares about it.
Well in case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
I Caught the Fever!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Why Puppy Love?
Whats up with Puppy Love? Why Puppy love. What do puppies have in their lovin that we don't? Did that Donny boy start the whole thing? Cause really it makes no sense and if it does feel free to explain.
I've decided that who ever is in charge of deciding which month falls into what season needs to change it all. I think winter should go from March to May then spring from June to August and then summer from September to November then fall from December to February. It would make a lot more sense. Because last time I checked during spring it's supposed to start warming up and stop all the snowing and freezing temperatures. Obviously Mother Nature doesn't like the way seasons are set up right now so change it for goodness sakes.
Yesterday I had and apiphany (if that is spelled wrong don't make fun of me because chances are it is). It was that this summer is the last summer of my childhood. Next summer I will be 18 and therefore not a child anymore. So I thought of a bucket list of things I need to do while I am still a child.
1. Break a bone (if you're an adult and you break something you look like an idiot so I should do it while I'm still a child)
2. Catch one of those fish in that pond at Nielson's Grove with my bare hands (it's always been a dream of mine)
3. Try to cook an egg on a rock (Everyone will have to do this someday seeing as all these natural disasters are happening. The only way we'll have of cooking is rocks, so I got to get my practice in)
4. Shave my fat hairy dog (he will probably loose 10 lbs. if I do it)
5. Make a swimming pool out of a tarp (i've tried it before but it didn't quite work but now I'm going to make it work if it's the last thing I do)
Now I'm angry. Me and Susie applied for two different jobs at Seven Peaks. Me the accomplished 17 year old who applied for the job that everyone gets didn't get the job. Susie the airhead blondy turd wad who applied for the job that is harder to get did! Just barely! But no fear I'll go get a job that apply for a job that pays more than minimum wage! Then I'll show her! I'm not really angry just envious. But no fear no fear. I'll move on.
I've decided that who ever is in charge of deciding which month falls into what season needs to change it all. I think winter should go from March to May then spring from June to August and then summer from September to November then fall from December to February. It would make a lot more sense. Because last time I checked during spring it's supposed to start warming up and stop all the snowing and freezing temperatures. Obviously Mother Nature doesn't like the way seasons are set up right now so change it for goodness sakes.
Yesterday I had and apiphany (if that is spelled wrong don't make fun of me because chances are it is). It was that this summer is the last summer of my childhood. Next summer I will be 18 and therefore not a child anymore. So I thought of a bucket list of things I need to do while I am still a child.
1. Break a bone (if you're an adult and you break something you look like an idiot so I should do it while I'm still a child)
2. Catch one of those fish in that pond at Nielson's Grove with my bare hands (it's always been a dream of mine)
3. Try to cook an egg on a rock (Everyone will have to do this someday seeing as all these natural disasters are happening. The only way we'll have of cooking is rocks, so I got to get my practice in)
4. Shave my fat hairy dog (he will probably loose 10 lbs. if I do it)
5. Make a swimming pool out of a tarp (i've tried it before but it didn't quite work but now I'm going to make it work if it's the last thing I do)
Now I'm angry. Me and Susie applied for two different jobs at Seven Peaks. Me the accomplished 17 year old who applied for the job that everyone gets didn't get the job. Susie the airhead blondy turd wad who applied for the job that is harder to get did! Just barely! But no fear I'll go get a job that apply for a job that pays more than minimum wage! Then I'll show her! I'm not really angry just envious. But no fear no fear. I'll move on.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"While we honor all our mothers with words of love and praise, while we tell about their goodness and their kind and loving ways we should also think of Grandma. She's a mother, too, you see for she mothered my dear mother as my mother mothers me"
Thursday, April 7, 2011
This past week on Tuesday my Grandma Manookin passed away. It's made this week a tough one but at the same time its been kind of nice. We've spent a lot of time with family just talking and remembering. I've really enjoyed all the family time. It's also made me really thankful for this gospel. If it weren't for this gospel I'd think that I'd never see my grandma again but instead I know she's up in heaven with my Grandma Sue and their both watching over us. My Grandma was such a sweet lady. I don't think I've met anyone sweeter than her. In all my memory I can't remember her complaining or saying something bad about anything or anybody. I'm going to miss her a lot but I know she's in a much better place working hard.
Love You Grandma!
Love You Grandma!
Monday, April 4, 2011
Utah people working together
I used to think that people were just being dramatic when they'd complain about how bipolar Utah weather can be. After this weekend I totally understand. On Saturday it got up to 78 degrees. Then that night there was a snow storm! I just don't understand! On Saturday I saw Beastly. It was a pretty good movie. I liked it because Beauty and the Beast is my favorite Disney Princess movie and this was just a modern real life version of it. Sorry there are still no pictures. Pictures are the only fun part of blogs. I just can't seem to find any interesting ones. But no need to worry I will find some eventually. Until then live long and prosper lots.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Pictures are Fun!
Pictures really are fun but I can't find any good enough to put on so I just wanted to everybody's hopes up!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
You Can Just Call Me (insert name of some famous volleyball player)!!!
So today I went to a volleyball clinic for hitting and I just thought that we would hit the whole time and not learn anything. I did, but that's not the point of this post. The point is there were two BYU women volleyball players there helping out and during a drill I ended up on a team with them! Just because I'm that good! Ha ha just kidding thats probably not why. But still they were pretty impressed with me and it made me happy. So you'll be seeing me in the future as a professional volleyball player :)
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Titles are way to hard to come up with so there will be no title. I finally have a blog. Well its not really finally seeing has I haven't been waiting to have one for forever. Lets just say Yay! I have a blog. Right now there is nothing to write about other than I have a blog now. So there you have it!
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