Friday, September 21, 2012

Study Break

My mind needs a study break. In these past three weeks of college I think I've studied more than I did in all my years combined in High School. Hopefully now that I actually study I'll get good grades.

Today in my English class we were peer reviewing our papers we'd just written. And one of the guys who read mine found it totally offensive. I felt bad on the outside, but on the inside I was laughing. I'm mean but the things he took offense over were dumb things. When I wrote my paper I didn't even think it would be possible for anyone to take offense over it. Ha ha. Ah well. Now I know next time I shouldn't try to be humorous in my papers. 

People always seem to take my humor the wrong way. As a result of that I've stopped trying to be funny. That's why people don't think I'm funny anymore. At home I'm funny though. Everyday I manage to scare the  heck out of my Dad when he comes home. And everyday I scare him the same exact way. I just stand behind the garage door and when he comes in and closes the door I scream and he freaks out and says "I'd stop, because next time you're going to get hit" (Not on purpose, He'd hit me because when I scare him its a full body reaction). Well he's said that numerous times and I've yet to be hit. 

Tomorrow is the first official day of fall. I'm stoked. I love fall for many reasons. For one the cool, crisp air. And I absolutely LOVE crunching leaves. People probably think I'm mental because when I walk to class and I'm outside I make sure to step on every single leaf. People can poke fun all they want, but I'm going to continue crunching all the leaves. 

That reminds me. When I was walking, outside, to class today some guy was riding his long board and he totally biffed it. And I felt bad for him, but not because he'd biffed, but because you could tell his ego was deeply wounded. It sounded painful too. Poor guy. But I'm sure he survived. 

Today I was walking down the hall and did one of those the ground was higher than you expected half trips and laughed at myself then two seconds later did it again and I laughed at myself again. One time I was walking down a hallway and this guy did one of those trips and I snickered to myself then did the exact same thing in the exact same spot. It was funny. I learned not to laugh at people when they get hurt after that experience.
Although I still do. I literally can't help it. If someone gets hurt I laugh. Not because I'm mean but because the way they got hurt was hilarious and I guess I like to express laughter more than sympathy so I laugh. So if you get hurt and I laugh at you don't take offense. Just understand that I can't help it. 

This week I had my math teacher tell me I was struggling and needed to get help in the class. I just smiled and said I know. I know. I know. Although really I'm not struggling with understanding everything, I'm just behind because I make my math homework the least of my priorities. So I just need to get caught up. I'm pretty sure the world would be a better place if I didn't have to learn math. Because honestly I'm never going to use anything besides addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in my life. And if I do end up having to used more advanced math than that, then I need to change some things in my life so that I don't have too. 

Well I'm done rambling, I should probably get back to filling my mind with knowledge so I can ace my test tomorrow. Have a great day everyone!

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Today I had Repentance and Forgiveness. It's an amazing class, especially today. I felt the spirit so strongly and my testimony grew a ton.

We talked about the fall and sin today. And some of the things that were taught/said made me thing/realize things I'd never thought of/realized before.
-This girl in my class shared a story that one of the Apostles shared recently about how his son was in the hospital because he'd gotten injured or something and the father was trying to get back into the room where her son was but the doctors kept pushing him back and he kept trying again until they finally just locked the doors so he had no chance to get in and comfort his son. Then the Apostle related that when we sin, or are hurting for whatever reason, Heavenly Father can and WANTS to help us. But he can't come to us, like the father couldn't come to his son, we have to go to him. Heavenly Father wants to help us when we're hurting and He will, we just have to get on our knees and pray.
-Another thing that I knew but never really understood was that. Everybody sins. Everyday. Every single person in the World sins. Some big some little. No one is better than the next person because EVERYONE sins. I also understood today that when you don't act on a prompting, you're sinning. I think he called this sins of omission. And it made me think, how often do I do that. It also made me realize that if we're living our lives so that the spirit isn't with us, we are missing out on our opportunities to be prompted and therefore, sinning.
-Today I also realized how much the Savior REALLY does love us all. In class we discussed the story of the woman who committed adultery. And Brother Durfey said something that really struck me. He said something to the effect of, the Savior had a person before him who committed a big sin. A sin that he knew he would have to atone and suffer for. But he didn't chastise her, He forgave her and told her to sin no more. He knew that that sin was going to cause him a lot of pain, but he showed love for her non the less and forgave her. And why would it be any different for me? Christ didn't atone for us for nothing. The Atonement is there for us to use. If we use it, we will be forgiven. No questions asked.
How thankful I am for that. I by no means am perfect. I strive to live righteously everyday but I know I'm not perfect and I do sin. But because of Christ and His Atonement I don't have to live with the burden of my sins. Christ already has, so I don't have to. I just need to get on me knees and pray and repent.

Seriously, if you have a chance, take this class with Brother Durfey. It will change your life.