Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Dun Nuh Dun Nuh Nuh Nuh Nuh Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Nuh Nuh

Olympics. Need I say any more? I don't think so. That's about all my life has consisted of lately. But one thing is ruining all the excitement for me. That one thing is Twitter. I love Twitter. I don't like that every time I log on I figure out who won the blasted event that would be on later on that night. I should just un-follow those who are in the Olympics. That might solve my problem. But then again I like going on after I've seen the event and seeing what the Athlete had to say about it. Or maybe if I didn't spend so much time on the Internet I wouldn't have this problem at all.

Lets talk opening ceremonies. Can you say T-A-C-K-Y? I was dying the whole time, of embarrassment for Great Britain. My Dad says I just didn't appreciate the artistic interpretation of it. That may be the case. But really, I don't think so. 

Lets now talk Squanto. Squanto is my loyal vehicle. He's grand most of the time. Some times though he decides that he doesn't want his blinker to work. And it's always at very critical moments. In those moments I hate him. He also really likes to stink. The previous owner really must have loved to smoke because I can't seem to get the blasted smell out of there. So today I tried a new tactic. I scrubbed the seats and floor with carpet cleaner then I got some air freshener. Sprayed my little heart out, then shut all doors. Now hopefully the next time Squanto and I go on a little adventure he wont smell so bad. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

This and That

I've got lots I gotta do today. And I really don't want to do it. So to procrastinate doing it a little longer i'm blogging.

It has been so stinkin' humid lately and I hate it. The other day I was trying to figure out why this year I hate this hot summer weather so much (I usually love the heat of summer) then I realized its because its been humid this year. I hate humidity. It makes me feel gross and hot all day.

Yesterday at work the air conditioning broke halfway through the day. It was 80 blasted degrees inside! It was miserable!

I finally got my first real sunburn of summer. Took me long enough eh? Its only the end of July. It's gotten to the point where it just itches really bad. But I refuse to scratch it because if I scratch it, it will begin to peel and I will loose my beautiful tan and this burn would have been pointless.

Yesterday at Lowes Xtreme Air Sports, I am proud to announce, I made it all the way across their little tight-rope shindig. It took many tries, but I still made it. I couldn't be prouder of myself.

We've got a whole lotta really ripe bananas, so today I'm making banana bread! I absolutely love banana bread. But I can't decide if I should just make the banana bread into actual bread loaves or bake it like a sheet cake and put a yummy browned butter glaze on top. Suggestions?

Anyone out there want to buy my contract for the Branbury from me? I decided that saving my money is more important than having a social life so for this first year of college I'll be living at home saving some dough. But really if you want my contract tell me! That's one of the things on my to-do list for today is start trying to sell that blasted thing.

I really, really love crepes. Especially from Me Crepes. I went there last night after LXAS with Taylor. It was so yummy! I got the Notorious Nutella one. It was good. I recommend it.

I think it is funny that they made this movie.

I have a number of movies I want to see that are in the theaters, but being the paranoid person that I am, I'm too scared to go.

My right eye just experienced the oddest thing ever. It still is actually. It feels like someone is trying to squish it and it kinda hurts.

Tonight is the opening ceremonies for the Olympics. I'm so excited. I love the Olympics.

I really should get to what I need to be doing. You can only procrastinate for so long.


Friday, July 13, 2012


This past while, well year actually, has been a crazy one. It definitely was not the easiest. I’ve seen a lot of losses and a lot of loneliness. It would easy for me to just not care about anything anymore and just sit and sulk, all day, every day. But then I realized something. The things that have happened this past year are things that I can’t control. The one thing I can control is my happiness. And in the past little while I’ve found many reasons to be happy. And the number one reason is simply because I deserve it.

I deserve to not constantly worry about what others think about me. People may think I am a tall, ugly duckling. But you know what I realized: If I just don’t care what others think about me all my insecurities disappear. And since I’ve decided that the only person who deserves to care about what I look like is me, I’ve gained so much self-confidence. I’ve never felt so happy and beautiful. And you know what, being beautiful feels great!

I’ve also come to really appreciate kindness from perfect strangers. It makes me SO happy.  I appreciate the stranger who smiles, just because. I appreciate the stranger that you meet one place, and then run into at another place and they recognize you and talk to you like you’ve been friends for a while. I appreciate that stranger who from then on, every time they see you smile and say hey. I really appreciate that stranger and look forward to every time I may run into them again just so we can both share a smile. Running back into this stranger makes me REALLY happy!

You can be excellent in every way. You can be first class. There is no need for you to be a scrub. Respect yourself. Do not feel sorry for yourself. Do not dwell on unkind things others may say about you. Polish and refine whatever talents the Lord has given you. Go forward in life with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face, but with great and strong purpose in your heart. Love life and look for its opportunities. ~ Gordon B. Hinckley

I love this quote. I now respect myself. I don’t care what other people say to/about me anymore. I’m discovering what talents I’ve been given and I’m trying to share them. My eyes are twinkling and I’ve got a smile from ear to ear and I’ve got a purpose in my heart. I love my life and I’m pursuing it’s opportunities.

Don’t let what other people say to you out of their insecurities effect you. Live your life, be happy and love it J

Monday, July 2, 2012


Yesterday started out like any other Sunday. Our Sunday morning routine was no different than any other day. When we got home from church though, we noticed Lex's paws were a yellow green. We couldn't figure out why, but we just assumed it was from the grass. As the day went on we tried different ways to get Lex to eat his food, because he hadn't eaten in days. We had no luck.
At dinner we tried feeding Lex some of our left over steak. He actually ate it! We couldn't believe it. He might actually start eating and get some weight back on him. About an hour later Lex started vomiting up everything. That's why his paws were the yellow green color. He would lay down and need to vomit and would be too weak to move so he would just let it out on his paws. As yesterday progressed Lex just seemed to get worse and worse.
That after we discovered he'd been throwing up he continued to dry-heave. When he'd do this it was loud and if you saw him you would just feel so awful because he just looked like he was in so much pain, and there was nothing we could do.
Eventually we just let him outside and left him out there so we wouldn't have anymore vomit to clean up. I kept walking out every couple of minutes to check on him and he was just sitting along the side of the house. At this point his breathing was horrible. I just wanted to cry for him when I heard him breath because it was so pained.
After much checking on him I went out one more time and couldn't find him. I asked my Dad if he'd let him back in the house and he'd informed me that he was in the corner by the front fence. I went over there to check on him and I knew he wouldn't be with us much longer. His breathing had gotten way worse and he just seemed like he wasn't there.
I tried to get him to look at me or at least acknowledge me but he just stared straight ahead and wouldn't move. I then just said my goodbyes. I knew when I woke up that he wouldn't be here then I went inside and hid away in my room and bawled. A couple minutes later I got called downstairs for scripture study. I tried to hide any evidence that I was crying and went downstairs.
Before we starting reading my Mom and Niles went out to look at Lex and they came in crying. Susie asked my Mom why she was crying and she told us all that she didn't think Lex would make it through the night either. Then the hysterics started. Emma started bawling and ran outside along with everyone but myself.
A couple minutes later they all came in crying and Susie was carrying him into his room. He was so limp when she carrying him. He was alive but very weak. My Dad then called the vet to see if it would be possible to bring him in. It was so we carried Lex out to the car and my Dad, Susie and Emma hurried off to the vet, while my Mom, Niles and I waited to hear the news.
A while later my dad called to inform us that he might have possible liver problems. If that were the case there was nothing we could do. But it wasn't definite yet. My Dad called again a couple minutes later and told us that Lex had severe diabetes and all of his organs were slowly failing. He was going to die and we could take him home and let him just suffer till he died or put him to sleep. We put him to sleep to put him out of his misery.
While we waited for everyone to come home my Mom, Niles and I began to dig a hole in the back yard at 10:45 pm. It took about an hour for my Dad and Jeff to finally finish the hole. When it was finished those who wanted to see Lex one more time could. The vet had wrapped him in a blanket and put him in a box. I don't usually like seeing dead bodies. I hate viewings because 1. They're extremely sad and I hate crying in front of people and 2. Dead bodies creep me out. But I wanted to see Lex one more time. My Dad opened the box and uncovered Lex's face. He looked so peaceful. They positioned him in the box the exact way that he slept. To my surprise I even pet him one last time. If I didn't know any better I would have thought he was  just sleeping. I'm glad I got to see him one last time though because he hasn't looked that peaceful in a long time.
It took us all a while to finally fall asleep last night because we couldn't stop crying. I sure are going to miss that fat, hairy, loud, fun, silly dog. I'll miss the way he'd bark relentlessly every time we said a prayer and how he'd wine very loudly if we tried to hold him still during the prayer. I'll miss how he'd bark and scare every person who came to the door. I'll miss coming home and finding him asleep on my bed. I'll miss having to go look for our shoes in Susie's room because he'd always take them in there. I'll miss playing hide-and-go-seek with him. I'll miss having to lint-roll myself before I went anywhere because I was covered in his dog hair. I'll miss him coming and whining at us because he wanted to be loved on. I'll miss everything about this Lex.
 I sure loved this fatty.

 He's trying to kill Susie's fish. He was so protective of Susie.

He was our families first ever dog. He was all of our friends. And I'll never forget him. I'm just happy he's not in pain anymore. And sorry if you think this post was morbid or annoying. Everyone's probably thinking "It's just a dog". But I just wanted to post this for me so that I'd remember. Anyways, have a nice day.