Friday, May 25, 2012

A Beginning and an End

Well the day I thought would never come has indeed come and gone. Graduation was yesterday! Growing up I always looked forward to graduation but always thought it was too far away and that I would never live to see the day (yes I had weird logic). Yesterday just seemed so surreal to me. I was beyond excited but I didn't want to believe that it was really happening. I didn't feel I was ready to say goodbye to the life of being a teenager in High School. I was and still am beyond excited that I am done with High School but I feel like last night I said goodbye to my childhood. The ceremony was so fun. It was fabulous to go to a graduation and actually be the one graduating. I am way glad I am done with High School but I'm also a little sad. It's all definitely bitter sweet. After graduation I went to the all night party. I am so glad I went. It was a blast. We went up to the Boondocks and just partied the night away. While there I also drove some go karts. It was so much fun. I loved being able to speed around a track as recklessly as I wanted. There was also a Hipnotist at the party and watching all that was a real hoot! It was all in all a fun, fun day and night. I didn't want it to end. I wish I could have just stayed in that day for forever. But that is not possible, so I'll move on to bigger and greater things. Yesterday was an end to childhood and a beginning to adulthood.