It has come time again for this blog to be posted on. But what to post about? How bout the current happenings in this here girl's life. Well some beans have been spilt, skin has been burned, mobs have been flashed, proposals have been given, all kinds of things have been going on.
A little while ago, I think about a week and a half ago, my stake had Youth Conference. It was loads of fun. Although the first day I acquired the worst sunburn I'd ever had in my life so after that I was very ornery. I also think I was very sun sick but non the less I still managed to have a good time.
Jeff is now engaged to Ariel! I'm not going to lie.. At the rate Jeff was going I didn't think he'd ever get married. Ha! Just kidding. It just didn't happen soon enough because as my family knows I just really want to be an aunt right now. And now with two brothers getting married hopefully that will happen in a timely manner. My brother says I sound crazy when I talk about the subject so if I come across that way I apologize! I just really want to be an aunt. You can't really blame me can you?
Well I can't think of anything else to write about so I'll just end here. I know! Lamest post ever but hey. It passed some time.