Right now I'm being forced to watch a scary movie. I most definitley do not want to watch it so to get out of it I got on my friends computer and I'm updating my blog! How wondrous! So whats some recent happenings? Well for starters school is out. It's the first tuesday of summer and I was pretty sure today was a saturday. I'm not sure how I'm going to function. I really need a job but I really doubt that's going to happen but I still have hope it will. What I really want to do this summer is start a flash mob. It recently has become a life long dream of mine. I'll have to organize one or better yet if you know of one that will be happening soon make sure you let me know. I'm really scared. I'm not even watching this movie and I'm creeped out. My legs are really itchy right now too. It's very quite irritating.
I'm anticipating a flood any day now. Anyone who says the Provo River will not flood this year is wrong. Well everyone here is getting irritated with me so I think I'm going to blow this popsicle stand and go home where people may enjoy my presence. But tonight when everyone is asleep their going to wish that I would keep distracting them from the movie because they will be having nightmares about it.
Well in case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight.